How to Work a Pendulum


How to Work a Pendulum



Before learning how to work a pendulum, please read how to cleanse a pendulum, programming a pendulum, and how to charge a pendulum. In this post we’ll review two different methods for using your pendulum. The first, and most common method, is using your pendulum to obtain yes and no answers. In the second, we’ll look at how to work a pendulum using a pendulum chart.




Before embarking on a pendulum reading, it’s important to prepare your state. Ideally, you should be relaxed and in a comfortable position. The best position to choose is one where you can sit with your legs uncrossed, your back supported, your feet firmly planted on the floor, and your elbow resting on a firm surface. This could be at a table, or in a comfortable chair that has an arm where you can rest your elbow, a chair next to a table where you can place your elbow, or at the end of a sofa that has an arm.


The principle behind this is that sitting comfortably with legs uncrossed will better ensure that the energy is free to flow in your body and that you will be relaxed, allowing yourself to be open to receiving guidance. Maintaining a firm surface on which you can support your elbow will help steady your arm and hand so that the pendulum can perform without interruption.


The important thing about learning to work a pendulum is that you’re comfortable and open so the reading can flow naturally and you can focus on receiving. Is it absolutely necessary to have your elbow anchored? Only you will know over time how comfortable it feels for you to operate your pendulum in terms of how and where you sit. As a starting place, you may want to sit at a table as you develop your connection with your pendulum and test your readings.


Once you’re comfortable, you can start by asking simple questions that can only garner a yes or no response. The more specific you are in your questions, the more accurate your readings. Avoid asking questions that are broad, open ended, or multi-layered such as “will I be happy if I don’t move to LA and pursue a career in fitness training?” In this case is the question about moving, or the place to which you are moving, or about the pursuit of the career? These type of questions only lead to confused answers as the pendulum can only answer yes or no during a basic reading.


Learning how to work a pendulum is largely about being exacting in your questions and determining which questions you actually need to be asking. It would be better, in this case, to ask “is this the right time to pursue a career in fitness training?”, or “is this a good time to consider a move?” You can also ask “should I pursue my career before I consider moving?”, or “is LA a good fit for me?” Decide on which questions are the most important for your spiritual journey, and as you uncover one layer, you will naturally be led to your next question.


The beautiful thing about asking “the good questions” is that they lead to even better questions, and those are the questions we need to be asking. When it comes to asking questions that involve other people, try to keep the questions closely to how you relate to those people rather than attempting to ascertain information on someone else’s journey. The exception to that is when you have invited another person to participate in a reading.


This is something you may choose to do if you find yourself too attached, or invested, in a particular outcome. In this instance it would be beneficial to have a friend, who is not as invested in the answer, to operate the pendulum for you. The same applies to when you choose to perform a reading for someone else. In both cases, you have an open channel of permission to inquire about each other’s journey.








Depending on the chart you select, you will simply hold the pendulum over the indicated spot on the chart and ask a question that is in line with that particular pendulum chart. If you need instructions on how to hold a pendulum, you can find that page here.


How to work a pendulum with a chart is a little different from operating a pendulum to receive yes or no answers. Your pendulum will swing in the same direction for your yes, but may swing in another direction when another person is operating the pendulum. So while you’re accustomed to your direction for yes and no, using your pendulum with a chart is entirely different. In this case the pendulum will swing in the direction of the corresponding answer on the pendulum chart.


For example, if you’re using the Messages for Redirection chart, you may be asking about why a new project idea didn’t work out, or why your application to a program wasn’t accepted. The pendulum will swing in the direction and land on the answer that gives you most clarity around your current journey, any blockages that are preventing you from attaining a specific goal, or reasons why the timing isn’t quite right as it pertains to your goal.


If you use a pendulum with the Abundance Chart, you might ask “what is preventing me from making more sales?” The pendulum will move to the section of the chart which most relates to your current blockage. As you work through the blockage, you can uncover various layers and blocks around prosperity by returning to the chart and asking questions that relate to your current circumstances.


It’s also important to note that, occasionally, the pendulum may land right between two adjacent sections of the chart, or even swing clearly back and forth from one section across to another. This simply means that more than one answer applies to your question, in which case you can read the outcome explanation for both.


This is the distinct difference between how to work a pendulum for yes and no readings, and using your pendulum with a chart. The Circa 1890 charts are not designed to answer yes or no, but rather to give you a detailed reading pertaining to your energetic vibrations and current journey.



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