Printable Pendulum Chart

As our gift to you, this free printable pendulum chart is a great starter chart that you can customize to your liking. The Golden Chart is all about following your intuition and exploring beyond "yes" and "no" answers. The chart consists of a four-page PDF. Page one contains the half-circle, printable pendulum chart itself, which includes numbered sections. Page two and three of the printable pendulum chart contain instructions on how to use the chart. On the fourth page, you’ll find numbered cards that you can print and cut.
The printable pendulum chart can also be viewed on a tablet without necessarily printing it on paper. You will however, need to print page four of the free printable pendulum chart so that you can customize the answers. All other Circa 1890 charts have answers and detailed readings built right into them.
After you download the PDF numbered chart, print and cut out the 14 cards on page four. Turn the cards over to the blank sides and write answers to your most pressing questions, drawing those answers purely from instinct and intuition. You can also do this with a friend and participate in each other’s answers based on what your gut tells you about one another’s personal journey. You'll find more detailed instructions in the printable pendulum chart download.
The 14 cards will give you space to write your chart reading answers for two rounds of questions, or one round each for you and a friend. You can also use your free printable pendulum chart in multiple ways, creating a round of answers that can apply to various questions. You’ll find a few suggestions for this process in your printable pendulum chart, on the second and third page of instructions. This is a fun and intuitive process... Enjoy!
Download your free chart here.
Need an intuitively crafted printable pendulum chart to guide you in your journey?
All the charts at Circa 1890 are designed so that you don’t see the chart sections on page one of the charts. The reason for this is that I solidly believe in attaining answers that are founded in truth. By masking any influence in the “blind” chart, you can perform your reading and ask your questions without any concern that you’ll be unconsciously influenced by the words revealed on the chart. The following are some of our intuitively crafted printable pendulum charts to aid you in your journey:
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Message From the Universe Printable Pendulum Chart is designed to guide you and give you answers you need when facing obstacles. Use this chart to create better flow in your life by clearing a path to... see chart
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